I am Ed Garza
About My Walk.
Serve God. Love People.

When I was a child my family briefly attended Eisenhauer Road Baptist Church. My father was not very devout and my family stopped attending. But the church was only about 6 blocks from our home and my parents agreed to let me walk to church on Sunday mornings. This continued for a few years. When I was twelve, my Sunday school teacher, Steve Prewoznik, refused to let me get by with easy answers. We would read directly from the Bible and then discuss what we read. He was the first person who seemed to genuinely care about my salvation. I was in his class when he helped me pray asking for salvation. I was baptized a few months later.
A few months after that I had an amazing moment when helping to move the old fashioned big heavy lectern in the worship center. In that moment I felt it was clear that I was supposed to spend my life sharing the gospel. I told my parents about it, and they discouraged me from pursuing anything ministry-related. We moved to Kerrville, TX, and attended First Baptist Church of Kerrville once. My father didn't like anything about it, so my family never went again. It was only about four blocks from our home, so I walked as I attended religiously. Life got busy. While I was in high school I usually had at least two jobs, and through a series of unfortunate events, I eventually stopped attending church.
In 2001, I was working in San Antonio when a former schoolmate contacted me. We began an eight year romantic relationship. She would eventually become the mother of my first son, then my first wife. We were married for about eight months before she decided to dissolve our marriage. She was the daughter of Scientologists and antagonistic toward Christians. I lived as one not saved for the duration of that relationship.
In 2010, I met Ruthie, and through a series of tiny miracles and misfortunes, I found myself visiting a church that was highly charismatic. While visiting, the Lord confirmed His power and the call He had placed on my life. I recall feeling panicked. Like Peter in Luke 5:8, I knew I was in the presence of the Lord, and I was overwhelmingly convicted of my sin. I surrendered my life to Him completely that day.
A few weeks later, Ruthie and I were married. A few months later we began serving as volunteers in the children's ministry of Village Parkway Baptist Church. A few years later I enrolled in Bible college and eventually earned my Bachelor of Ministry degree. Upon doing so I was hired at Village as the Director of Children's Ministries. During the COVID pandemic, out of necessity to reach our congregation, I joined the media team. I implemented a reconfiguration of our media team, led building renovations, and improved the overall quality of our online church services. As the dust from the pandemic began to settle, I was hired as our first Director of Media Ministries. In January 2021, I enrolled in the Master of Arts in Ministry Studies program at Grace Theological Seminary with a concentration in pastoral counseling, completing my coursework for the master's degree in December 2023.
Over the last ten years at Village, four of them as a staff member, I have had many opportunities to learn and grow. I love teaching young people and rejoice when I see the proverbial light go off in their heads when the lessons become real for them. In the fall of 2021, I implemented a new discipleship program, Leaders in Training. Through this program we have taken our children from feeding on the Word, to leading others to Christ. I am continually amazed by the amazing things I have seen the Lord do through our children and young people.
In light of the limitations and opportunities that the COVID pandemic created, my wife and I believe wholeheartedly that I was the right man at the right time for the job. I was able to use my pre-surrender skills to reach the families of our congregation in their homes for the ten months we were unable to meet in person. Our online worship services now serve as one of our most effective methods for attracting visitors and new members. Since late 2021, I recruited more leaders and teachers, and I updated our programs to help our children and volunteers become doers of the Word. As our family continues to grow, we look forward to serving in new and exciting capacities. I look forward, with eager anticipation, to see what the Lord has planned for us next.
More Info?
If you would like a more detailed personal testimony, please contact me directly.
Ed Garza